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Gone on the Wind.

Raw, Whole & Growing New Zealand Museum Design. Oct. 2016.

Site Heritage Project.

Gone on the Wind.

Ww – Why Wool.

Wool +Wood

Raw, Whole & Growing

Wellington, New Zealand & Early New Zealand


 Constructing narrative within museum design through the articulation of circulation evoking sensorial effect and experience. Pioneer to opportunity and source of inspiration existing architecture, provides its own starting point to develop narrative, the question within most interior interventions is whether we choose to listen to its starting dialogue of narrative. An alternative programme response for Shed 6, Wellington, New Zealand.

Thematic Matrix's: 

The Narrative between Materiality & Site:

Circulation Plans:

{ Follow the Narrative Below.}


{Subtracted Structure.}

North Elevation:

Intervention, overlaps, integrates to distingish own pattern and identity.

South Elevation:

Programmes interrelate and thread together to form continuity.

Component Breakdown: Interlock to form unified whole.

Let the story begin...

- listen consciously,

- question dilegently.

- uncover, actively engage to develop meaning.

‘When materials and technique harmonize at a high level, it creates a special space around the artwork that

allows our perceptions to be liberated and our everyday world to look clearer and more arresting. We can

observe through our sense, absorbing the subtle details and as a result, truly experience beauty.’

(Yuji, 4)

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